So. I have (double) pneumonia and a headache, and a ton of school related deadlines coming up, and am feeling, in general, pretty ick. So, for this week's (belated) giveaway, I picked a comfort read. I had the privilege of meeting Sayantani DasGupta last year at a conference, and she's a lovely and brilliant human being. I really enjoyed talking to her about folklore and the ways that our stories unite us. I love fantasy based in folklore of various cultures, and I love brave girls, and this book has both. Instead of trying to type more about how awesome this book is, I'm just going to pop in an overview I wrote from the protagonist's point of view for a class last semester. Ahem. A lot of parents tell their little girls that they're princesses. Except, it turns out that when my parents said "Kiranmala, you're a princess!", they were being literal. And not just any princess, oh no! A princess of ANOTHER DIMENSION. Which is information ...
This is a blog where I give away books because that's my hobby.