Historical fantasy is my jam. I am a sucker for a good heist. And, I adore Roshani Chokshi. So when I heard that she was starting a new series set in the nineteenth century with heists + magic, I was all in. I was lucky enough to score an ARC (advanced readers copy) of this novel, but I also bought the hardcover as soon as I was able. It is good stuff.
I've you've never read any of Chokshi's writing, you are missing out. Her imagination is just downright opulent. Her characters are loveable and complex and quirky and agh. There is banter. There is magic. There is intrigue. Oh, and it's set in Paris.
If you'd like to add this gem to your library, you can comment here for a chance to win a copy. Tell me about your favorite YA author, or about other fabulous historical fantasy worlds I should check out. Or, you know, tell me what you had for lunch. Whatever. Will choose a winner on Friday.
Read on, loves.
Edited to add winner:
CARA! Today is the day. You won the book. Woohoo!